ZLYC系列永磁式排屑裝置是利用永磁材料產生的強磁效應,將粉狀,顆粒狀及長度小于50mm的鐵屑, 冷卻液介質中的碎屑分離,吸附在排屑機的工作面上,送到指定工位。該機可廣泛應用于數控機床、組合機床、加工中心等機械加工設備和生產線的鐵屑輸送,可用于干式、溫式加工鐵屑的處理。該裝置采用封閉結構,排屑量均勻,運轉平穩、噪聲低,并能用作鐵質零件的運輸和提升,可與凈化裝置配套作為初級過濾使用。 Permanent magnetic chip conveyor adsorbs iron chips (in the forms of powder and granula and iron chips less than 50mm in length together with coolant medium chips separation) to the working face of the chip conveyor by using the ferromagnetic effect generated from permanent magnetic materials and sends them to the designated position. It can be widely used in conveying of iron chips for machining equipment and production lines like CNC machine tools, transfer machines, machining centers. It can also find its application in treatment of iron chips for dry or warm machining processing. Adopting an enclosed structure, it provides an even conveying of chips, with smooth operation and low noise. It can also be used for delivering and lifting of iron parts, and as rough filtering if used with a purifying device.